An opening door (2018)

Remembering how my parents met as teenagers—and from such different backgrounds. In my father’s family, the highest value was religious faith. In my mother’s, it was scientific research.

The amount of hope (2018)

Remembering the mole on my father’s chest, the metastasis that followed, and his first seizures. In 1973, surgery was the only effective treatment for melanoma. If that didn’t work, little else did.

The secret of his charm (2018)

Remembering what was most unique about my father—how closely he followed what was happening behind your eyes and between your ears. His warm and easy understanding was the secret of his charm.

Missing the signs (2018)

There are signs of cancer before my diagnosis, but we miss them. When our primary care physician sends me to the emergency room, we miss some other signs, and Suzanne drops me off at the wrong building.